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Simple Gump: The Low Down

Simple Gump: A simple and fun card game for 2 - 4 players.

This game is not political and the character is fictional, lastly, the game title is based on the fact the game is simple to play and the guy is called Gump.

Now we have got that out of the way we need to talk about the game and explain its features in more depth. We believe our game takes a different approach to most games out there because in ours you score points by making Gump upset. Why? Because why not? Are you not tired of making other people happy? Well, we are and thought hey we want to make someone upset for once and we designed the game around that element. Now I can see you sat there wondering how you make Gump unhappy, that is a good question! I lie it is an alright question do not sit there getting a big head. In the game, you have two main types of cards bad cards and good cards. From the names, you should be able to guess what they do? NO? Well, I will explain.......... I should not have to really but I will.

Bad cards are the cards you play to make Gump unhappy they will score you anything from 1 point to 5 points and there is one card that will score you 10 points! I know crazy right! The cards contain a short description to explain why Gump is unhappy and these are designed to make you laugh. If you do not find them funny then ask yourself why and rethink your entire life. Harsh I know. How can you tell it is a bad card? Simple! The text is red to show danger, hazard, and so forth and the points are a positive value such as 1 point. Now that is pretty straight forward. Do you understand so far? Good because we are moving on.

Good cards are the complete opposite of a bad card which makes sense with the name system we have in place. The good card will minus points from another player's score and these are from -1 point to -5 points. There is of course one and we mean one -10 points card which is awesome if you get it and sucks if the other player or players gets it. Just like the bad cards they also contain a small description of why Gump is now happy. You might be also thinking how can I tell it is a good card? Well think about it...... it will not be the same as a good card... that should be enough right? Well just in case we have made the text green to signify positivity and the points are negative for example -1 point.

Is there any other type of card you might be thinking and you are right! Well done you! Want a cookie? Well tough! There is of course the Simple Gump card that is used in the middle of the table. It does nothing except look pretty and help you visualize the person you want to make upset.

Now does this sound appealing so far? We hope so but just to make sure the game does not get boring like certain games I will not mention. We added the all-important bonus section to certain cards. Now the reason we added these bonuses is to make the game tactical and in the right player's hands, these are devastating! The bonus could be something simple such as swap two cards in play, but wait is that simple? You could use this in a variety of ways we do not want to mention here. We want you to play the game and figure out how best to use these cards and make the other player or players cry! Best get a shot glass to collect those tears to drink later.

There are three ways that you can end the game;

1: Someone plays the Dies!! card, this card forces the game to end there and then and boom it is all over. However, do not get too excited yet because if a player as the comes back to life card in their hand they can play this and carry on the game.

2: The deck runs out of cards! This does not happen often to be honest but if it does the game ends there and then because a player cannot field 5 cards in their hand.

3: A player outs the 8th card/stack in their play area, now we need to clarify that this is not a total of 8 cards because that would be a short ass game. No this means that there are 8 cards/stacks in a row in their play area.

Okay so the game comes to an end but who wins? Well add your scores up and the player with the most points wins! Yes, it is that simple and I mean that simple. There are some rules to the game to help you but I just wanted to get a description of how the game plays and what you need to do.

The idea we created for the game was to create a simple and fun card game that can be played quickly. It does not take long for a new player to pick up and most of all give it a reason to be played again and again and with the bonus features, it really does make the game never play the same way twice.

I am not going to go on and on here because I think I have covered everything, if there is anything you want to know then please feel free to leave a comment and we will try and answer them.

Now you can watch a playtest of the game here: why not give it a watch and see it in play!

Lastly... I think, we would like to mention that we hope to get this game kickstarted and we are working hard on this. We are making plans and working on different tiers and once we have more information about this we will let you all know!

For us to get this game kickstarted we do need your help! So far we really need people to share our posts and follow us. We can only reach so many people and with your help, we can spread like wildfire. We are not too proud to beg.... SO PLEASE SHARE AND FOLLOW PLEAAAAASSSSEEEEEE you have no idea how much it really does help us!

Thank You for taking the time to read this post.

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