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Business account sorted!

We have sorted out our business account and have used the company Starling. They offered everything we wanted and are protected by the FSCS which was the deciding factor in the end. Now it is a waiting game for the card to come and then I can move the business money into that account and buy the two shares in the company I own. I just need to pay for them so that I have can prove they were paid for. The idea behind a business account is to keep the business money separate from your own which will make life easier when it comes to tracking out goings and the money incoming. It felt like a real company when we were accepted for the business account :) that was a great feeling. Now we just need to play test the game again and again, get the samples and see if anyone on youTube is interested in play testing the game and then work on the kickstarter! It feels like there is so much to do and so little time! And the social media is taking longer then I thought to grow which is a pain. We will get there because we need too. Thank You for reading.

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