
Mar 10, 20211 min

Battledice! Our FREE rulebook

There was a section of time where we were was unsure what to do next so we fully finished our first (well kinda our second) dice game called Battledice.

Battledice is a simple game (find it here: where you roll dice and battle them.

Our goal is to release a boxed version that will come with a printed rulebook, all the dice you need, the box to be padded in some fashion for rolling into (one player takes the lid the other the bottom), two dice cups that also are designed to dampen sound and two dice bags for discarded dice.

We also hope that this game will allow us to sell blind bags with unique dice that can help you in the game. We will also add rare dice into the game so the dice become collectable items too.

Now we thought we might as well release the rulebook FREE so that people who have dice at home can play the game. This will probably shoot us in the foot a little but we want gamers to know what we love games! We want to support gamers and releasing the rulebook for free we are doing that. People who might not be able to afford the game when it is released can still download the rulebook and they might have dice kicking about what they can use to play the game.

Now, what are you waiting for? Download the rulebook and have a look!

Yes, we did put a donate button on just in case people wanted to donate anything for downloading the rule book.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post.
